St Peter’s Primary School
Welcome to
St Peter’s Clayton
Welcome to our website. We hope that you find the information on this site useful and that you learn more about what makes St Peter’s Primary School such a special place.
The children are at the centre of all we do. We recognise and celebrate the diverse learning styles, interests, talents and cultures of our students and we strive to offer a rich variety of meaningful learning experiences that will inspire innovative thinkers, great problem solvers and students who love learning and are confident in all they do.
At St Peter’s Primary School, parents and staff work together to ensure that the children receive a high quality Catholic education that enables each child to realise that everyone is a unique person, gifted by God and encouraged to develop in a Christian atmosphere. As a Catholic school, our children are encouraged to participate actively in Liturgical celebrations, while at the same time we respect the values and customs of children from other traditions.
St Peter’s Primary School has a dedicated and experienced staff and committed families. We provide a safe, caring, and challenging educational environment that promotes learning and achievement for all students and where everyone is known and valued.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school as we work together to ensure that your child is the best they can be in our vibrant learning community.
Sharon Daujat

Enrolling at St Peter’s
We can’t wait to meet you! You always get a warm welcome.
Enrolment enquiries are always welcome at St Peter’s.
Enrolment applications are normally accepted from February of the year preceding the child starting in their Foundation Year. We encourage families to submit their enrolment form by the end of March.
We know that children thrive at school when they feel happy, confident and secure.
Everyone’s wellbeing matters to us at St Peter’s. Wellbeing is integral to learning excellence and overall health and life success.
We work with our families and the community to strengthen the wellbeing and learning outcomes for all children within a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment.
We focus on building strong relationships. This in turn enhances student wellbeing and increases feelings of connection and belonging. A sense of belonging improves happiness, focus and resilience.
Our aim is to provide an environment and opportunities for all of the members of our school community to flourish.

Our Learning
Faith Based Learning
Reading & Writing
Independent Learners

Technology & Coding
Visual Arts
Our Kitchen Garden
We have nine main box gardens for vegetables as well as chickens and a little orchard.
Our garden and its produce is a way for us to celebrate our diverse community. We plant, nurture, grow, harvest and cook a variety of fruits and vegetables, while sharing ideas about food from our own cultures.The garden is more than a platform to promote healthy eating – it's a social place where we can meet and chat; a place where children and community members bond and develop and sustain relationships. The garden is an integral part of supporting mental health and wellbeing in our community. It's a calming place – somewhere for refreshing and rejuvenating. Children regularly ask to go out to the garden and are always asking to help. Sometimes they pick carrots or plant beans or they just enjoy the garden, spend time watering the plants or feeding the chickens.
When working in our garden, 'We think we are nurturing our garden but of course it is really our garden that is nurturing us.’

Student Voice
Opportunities are provided through the Student Representative Council (SRC) and year 6 Leadership teams to hear from our students.
Commitment to Australian Democratic Principles
St. Peter's Primary school is committed to the principles and practice of Australian democracy.
At St Peter’s we recognise that the school plays a vital role in advancing democratic ideals and principles. For democracy to continue to thrive, children must be taught democratic ideals and principles and to value its way of life. St Peter’s will explicitly and implicitly support and promote the principles of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:
· elected government
· the rule of law
· equal rights for all before the law
· freedom of religion
· freedom of speech and association
· the values of openness and tolerance.
Through our curricular and extracurricular programs, St Peter’s will prepare our children to become citizens who will preserve and shape democracy in the future. Democratic values will be taught explicitly in the curriculum and implicitly in the child’s experience of the school, from classroom practice, and from what is taught to how it is taught.
Hear From Our Students
We asked our students what they love about St Peter’s. Listen to their adorable responses. It’s sure to make you smile.
Buddy Program
Our senior students enjoy being a buddy to our newest students in Foundation. A feeling of belonging and connection is important for all students and buddies help the youngest students to settle in and have fun!
Leadership Opportunities
We encourage leadership at all levels, with our Student Representative Council an important part of school life where students can bring their ideas on making St Peter's an even better place to be!
‘The role of the SRC is to be the voice of the students, find out what students think, help make the school a better place for everyone, and have an impact on decision-making in the school.
In Year 6 students apply for a leadership position in one of our action groups to lead initiatives in this area through the year. Year 6 students also lead our whole school assemblies.

Extra Curricular
St Peter’s offers a range of learning opportunities that fall outside the sphere of the normal curriculum. An extracurricular activity is designed to enhance the students’ social, academic, physical, creative or intellectual learning. Some examples of what is offered at St Peter’s are:
Social Justice Program
Sacramental preparation
Mass participation
Altar service
Classroom Masses
Special Liturgies
Camps (Year 5/6)
Overnight Camp ( Years 3/4 )
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Literacy Support
Student led Action Teams:
Social Justice Leaders
Sustainability Leaders
Sport and Wellbeing Leaders
Technology Leaders
Arts Leaders
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Public speaking program for Years 6 students
Leadership Program for Years 5 and 6 students
Student Wellbeing
Berry St Education Model
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Buddy Program
Transition Program
BeYou Program
Anti-Bullying Initiatives
Restorative Practices
Cross Country
Interschool sport (Summer / Winter)
Representative sport
The Arts
Book week activities
Italian Day
Biennual Art Show/Concert
Musical showcase assemblies
Ukulele Club

Our Community
Our Community
We acknowledge It takes a village to raise a child (African proverb). When we enrol a child at our school we enrol their family. We work in partnership with our families, getting to know them to support students in their growth - academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. We welcome members of our parish and the local community to come and work with us here at St Peter’s. We have an active volunteer program which ensures our children have a lot of hands on help and conversation with an older person in the classroom and playground. We have strong relationships with our local kinders and pre-school centres and work with Monash University across the Science and STEM faculties.
Our Partners