
Foundation (first year of school) enrolments at St Peter’s Primary School will be accepted in the year prior to commencement. We endeavour to have enrolments finalised by mid year but if there are vacancies, all enrolments will be considered.  Prospective families are welcome to tour the school on any day by making an appointment with the Principal.

Enrolments for other year levels are accepted throughout the year.

Foundation Enrolments

Children must turn 5 years of age before the 30th of April in the year they are commencing school. 

A Foundation Transition program is held in Term 4. This includes:

  • Visits to Kindergartens by school staff

  • An Information Session for Parents

  • Orientation sessions for the students

Enrolment Application Form (this form can be downloaded from ‘Our School’ page, under School policies/Enrolment) should be accompanied by:

  • An Immunisation Certificate (may be obtained from your local council or Medicare)

  • A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate

 Places at St Peter’s Primary School are offered in accordance with the school’s Enrolment Policy.

Families also sign an Enrolment Agreement (this is given to families at the initial meeting with the Principal) as part of the process of joining our community.


New Enrolments at Other Year Levels

Families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school and meet with staff. Parents of new applicants are required to complete an Enrolment Application Form (this form can be downloaded from ‘Our School’ page, under School policies/Enrolment) and attend an interview with the Principal.

For an application form to apply for a Full Fee Paying Overseas Student place, please contact the school on 9544 3032.

Enrolment applications are normally accepted from February of the year preceding the child starting in their Foundation Year. We encourage families to submit their enrolment form by the end of March.

When enrolments forms are received, a meeting time is booked with the Principal. This is a time to begin to get to know you and your family.

Letters of offer are then sent. You can accept the offer by returning the signed letter along with a non-refundable deposit of $100. We will then let you know the dates for our transition program. 

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs


When should I enrol my child?

We accept enrolments all year round and welcome new students throughout the year.

For families wishing to enrol for Foundation (first year of school), we ask that enrolment forms are lodged by the end of March in the year preceding the year children are due to start.

How old does my child need to be?

Children must turn five by the 30th April of their first year of school. By law the minimum starting age for a child to be enrolled in a Victorian school is four years and eight months. 

What are your fees?

Please click here for a break down of fees and levies. Fees and Levies for 2024

This includes all stationery, excursions and incursions. The only other costs would be uniform. Fees are slightly higher for other year levels to cover costs associated with Inter school sport. Camp is also an additional cost for our senior students.

How do I enrol?

Enrolment Application Forms may be obtained from the School Office or in the Enrolment section on St Peter’s School website.  Completed Enrolment Application Forms can be mailed, emailed or dropped off at the office ensuring all supporting and relevant documentation is provided.Once received, we will be in contact to arrange a meeting with the Principal.

Can I have a look around the school?

We love to show families around our fantastic school. Please phone the school on 9544 3032 to book a time that suits you. Everyday is an open day!

How do I pay the fees?

Early in Term 1, statements of fees are issued to families. We have many payment options, including direct debit and EFT. We are flexible when parents pay (weekly, monthly quarterly etc) but ask that all fees are paid by the end of Term 3.

We are not Catholic. Is that ok?

Parents of children who are not Catholic are welcomed in our community and are offered a place following our enrolment priorities. Our current enrolment is approximately 50% non-Catholic.

I am on a visa. Is that ok?

Most Visa holders are eligible to attend our school, but please call the school to discuss your Visa type.

Book a Tour

Please complete the form to book a tour at St Peter’s School Clayton.


A Snapshot of Our Day